Your search returned 19 results.

The Journal of Philology
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Format: print
Publication details: Macmillan and Company deighton Bell and Com. Cambridge 1876 1876
Availability: Items available for reference: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library: Not for loan (1).

The new Phytologist
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Format: print
Publication details: London Academic Press 1876
Availability: Items available for reference: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library: Not for loan (1).

The american Naturalist: A Popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Format: print
Publication details: Chicago. The ESSex Institute salem Reprint with the Permission of the Orginal Publisher Johnson Reprint Corporation New York 1876
Availability: Items available for reference: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library: Not for loan (1).

Advanced text book of geology decriptive and industrial edn 6 by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Edinburgh Blackwoodl 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: H A.

Arthasangraha, ed by Jibananda Vidyasagara. Edn.2. by
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Calcutta Free Sons College 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: R641xK60:1 15A.

What to believe by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Calcutta Baptist Mission 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: Q6:65.2 A.

History of the Norman conquest of England its causes and its results Vols. 5 by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Oxford Clarendon Pr. 1873-1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (5)Call number: V3:1.H A.1-.5, ...

Sakuntala by
Language: English
Publication details: Oxford Claredon Pr 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: 015:2D40:3 A.

Works of William Shakespeare, ed by William George Clark and Willaim Aldis Wright by
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Macmillan 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: O-:2J641x A.

History of India, from the earliest ages by
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Trubner 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: V2:1:M A.4-1.

Collection of treaties engagements and sunnuds relating to India and neighbouring countries, containing the treaties and relating to the states within the Bombay presidency, by C U Aitchinson, rev by A C Talbot
Language: Eng
Publication details: Calcutta Foreign Dept. 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: V2:1903.M7 A.

Selectiuon from the despatches, treaties, and other papers..., during his government of India, ed by Sidney J Owen by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Oxford Clarendon 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: V2:21wL60 A.

Advanced text book of geology decriptive and industrial edn 6 by
Language: ENG
Publication details: 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: H A.

Scientific and literary treasury, rev and enl. by James Yate Johnson. Edn. New. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: london Longmans. 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: 33:M66 A.

History of Indian and Eastern architecture. (Forming the 3rd Vol. of the new edition of the 'History of architecture') by
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Murray J. 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: N12vk5 A.

Under the northern lights by
Language: English
Publication details: London Sampson Low 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: U8:94:M7 A.

Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola and their city. Illus. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: London Macmillan 1876
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: 7524:J7 A.

ಮರುನ್ನ೦ದನ ಶತಕ೦ ಆರ್. ತಾತಾ by
Material type: Text Text
Language: Kannada
Publication details: ಬೆ೦ಗಳೂರು : ಬಿ. ಎ೦. ಶ್ರೀ. ಸ್ಮಾರಕ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಟಾನ, 1876
Availability: No items available.

ಸ್ವಪ್ನನೌಕೆ ಕುಸುಮಾಕರ by
Material type: Text Text
Language: kan
Publication details: ಸೊಲ್ಲಾಪುರ : ಶ್ರೀ. ಕೆ. ಜಿ. ಪುರೋಹಿತ, 1876
Availability: No items available.
