Your search returned 264 results.

Teaching in the new elementary school, by William B Ragan, John H Wilson & Tillman J Ragan by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3 L2.

Trouble-shooting mathematics skills by
Edition: Rev Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3(B) K9.

Matheamtics for the elementary school teacher by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3(B) L1.

Growth of understanding in mathematics: Kindergarten through grade three by Series: Early Childhood Education Series
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3(B) L1.

Child language and education by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3(P) L2.

Teaching social studies in the elementary school by
Edition: Rev Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York HOlt, Rinehart & Winston 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3< K1.

First R elementary reading today by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:3(S6826) L2.

Teaching aids for elementary mathematics by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:394(B) K6.

Change and innovation in elementary school organization: Selected readings with contribns by Kenneth Rehage & others by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1965
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:8 K5.

Change and innovation in elementary and secondary organization, with contribns by Margaret Gayfer & others by
Edition: 2nd Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:8 L1.

Introduction to school guidance by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:832 L1.

Life in classrooms by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:835 K8.

Modern elementary curriculum, with problems and projects & picture comments by Celia Lavatelli by
Edition: 4th Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:84 L1.

Modern elementary curriculum with problems and projects and picture comments by Celia Lavatelli by
Edition: 4th Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T15:84 L1.

High school student: Book of cases by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T2 K6.

Adolescents and the American high school, with contribns by Terry Borton & others by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T2.73.N L0.

High school: Today and tomorrow, by William M Alexander, J Galen Saylor & Emmett L Williams by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T2.73.N L1.

Modern methods in secondary education, by Jean Dresden Grambs, John C Carr & Robert M Fitch by
Edition: 3rd Edn
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T2:3 L0.

Developing mathematical understandings in the upper grade, by Leo J Brueckner, Foster E Grossnickle and John Reckzeh by
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: T2:3(B) K1.

General mathematics: Problem solving approach, by Lucien B Kinney, Vinsent Ruble & Gerald W Brown Bks. 1-2 by Series: Rev of Holt general mathematics
Language: Eng
Publication details: New York Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1967-68
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (2)Call number: T2:3(B) K7.1-.2, ...
