Your search returned 3 results.

Basic psychoanalytic concepts on the theory of dreams, with cotnribns by S Baker and others by Series: Hampstead clinic Psychoanalytic Library: Concept Research Group, 2
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Allen and Unwin 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: SM95 K7.

Basic Psychoanalytic concepts on metapsychology conflicts, anxiety and others subjects by Series: hampstead clinic Psychoanalytic Libary, ed by Humberto Nagera, 3
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Allen and Unwin 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: SM95 L0.

Basic Psycho analytic concepts on the theory of insticts by Series: Hampstead clinic Psycho analytic Library: concept group, ed by Humberto Nagera, 3
Language: Eng
Publication details: London Allen and Unwin 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: SM95 L0.
