Your search returned 766 results.

Nonlinear transformations of random processes. (2 cops.)_ by Series: Prentice-Hall International Series in Applied Mathematics
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (2)Call number: B2811 K2;1-;2, ...

Nonlinear transformations of random processes. (2 cops.) by Series: Prentice-Hall International Series in Applied mathematics
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (2)Call number: B2811 K2;3-;4, ...

Theory of Markov processes, tr. fr. Russian by D.E. Brown & ed. by T. Kovary. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2812 K0.

Introduction to the theory of stationary random functions, tr. fr. Russian & Ed. by Richard A. Silverman. Edn. Rev. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2813 K2.

Elementary sampling theory. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2817 K7.

Statistical methods in research. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28170T48 K1.

Statistical sampling for accounting information. by Series: Prentice-Hall Quantitative Methods Series, ed. by W. Allen Spivey, 1
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28170X:87 K2.

Sampling techniques in accounting. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1957
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28170X:87 J7.

Applications of statistical sampling to auditing. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1981
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28170X:88 M1.

Statistical inference: Basic concepts. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1975
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28172 L5.

Information for decision making: Quantitative and behavioral dimensions. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood, Cliffs (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B28610X:8 L0.

Programming the RCA 301; a self-instructional programmed manual. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1965
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B288 k5.

Analysis of variance. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1964
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2881 K4.

Intermediate algebra. by Series: Prentice-Hall Mathematics Series, ed. by Albert A. Bennett
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1960
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2 K0.

Modern fundamentals of algebra and trigonometry. by Series: Prentice-Hall Series in Mathematics, ed. by Albert A. Bennett
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2 K1.

College algebra. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1965
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2 K5.

Fundamentals of algebra. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood, Cliffs(N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B2 L0.

Introduction to finite mathematics. (2 cops.) by Series: Prentice-Hall Mathematics Series, ed. by Albert A. Bennett
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1964
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (2)Call number: B221 K4-;1, ...

Applications of graph theory to groyp structure, tr. by Maurice Pinard and others. by Series: Prentice-Hall Series in Mathematical Analysis of Social Behavior, ed. by James Coleman & James March, 1
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B230S8 K3.

Introduction to the theory of linear spaces, tr. fr. Russian by Richard A. Silverman. by
Language: ENG
Publication details: Englewood-Cliffs, (N.J.) Prentice-Hall 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Prof. S.S.Basavanal Library (1)Call number: B23:1 K1.
