Nagarjuna's letter to king Gautaniputra, with expl notes based on tibetan commentaries and a preface by H H Sakya Trizan, tr into English from Tibetan by Lozang Jamspal and others.
Nagarjuna's letter to king Gautaniputra, with expl notes based on tibetan commentaries and a preface by H H Sakya Trizan, tr into English from Tibetan by Lozang Jamspal and others. - Delhi Motilal Banarasidass 1978
R6947xD1 L8-;1
R6947xD1 L8-;1
Nagarjuna's letter to king Gautaniputra, with expl notes based on tibetan commentaries and a preface by H H Sakya Trizan, tr into English from Tibetan by Lozang Jamspal and others. - Delhi Motilal Banarasidass 1978
R6947xD1 L8-;1
R6947xD1 L8-;1