Works of Aristotle, tr. under the edtorship of W D Ross. Vol.6: Opuscula, tr. by T Loveday and others Vol.7: Problemate, tr. by E S Forster Vol.8: Metaphysica, tr. by W D Ross, Edn.2. aVol.9: Ethica Nicomachea, by W D Ross Magna Morala, by St. George Stock, Ethica Eudemia, De virtutibus et vitis, by J Solomon. (1949) Vol.10: Politica, tr. by Benjamin Jowett, Oeconomica, by E S Forster, Atheniensium Respublica, by F G Kenyon (1952) Vol.11: Rhetorica, tr by W Rhys Roberts, De rhetorica ad Alexandrum, E S Forster, De Poetica, by Ingram Bywater (1952) Vol.12: Select fragments, tr. by W D Ross 1952.


Works of Aristotle, tr. under the edtorship of W D Ross. Vol.6: Opuscula, tr. by T Loveday and others Vol.7: Problemate, tr. by E S Forster Vol.8: Metaphysica, tr. by W D Ross, Edn.2. aVol.9: Ethica Nicomachea, by W D Ross Magna Morala, by St. George Stock, Ethica Eudemia, De virtutibus et vitis, by J Solomon. (1949) Vol.10: Politica, tr. by Benjamin Jowett, Oeconomica, by E S Forster, Atheniensium Respublica, by F G Kenyon (1952) Vol.11: Rhetorica, tr by W Rhys Roberts, De rhetorica ad Alexandrum, E S Forster, De Poetica, by Ingram Bywater (1952) Vol.12: Select fragments, tr. by W D Ross 1952. - Oxford Clarendon 1927-52


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