Bhasha tatva aura vakayapadiya,(linguistics and Vakyapadiya) with a summary in English and with a foreword by Babu Ram Saksena.
Varma Satyakama
Bhasha tatva aura vakayapadiya,(linguistics and Vakyapadiya) with a summary in English and with a foreword by Babu Ram Saksena. - New Delhi Bharatiya Pr., 1964 - Accepted by the Agra University for the Award of the Ph.D.Degree. .
Bhattoji Dikshit
Classical Sanskrit
P15:C3x4:1:9 152K4
P15:C3x4:1:9 152K4
Bhasha tatva aura vakayapadiya,(linguistics and Vakyapadiya) with a summary in English and with a foreword by Babu Ram Saksena. - New Delhi Bharatiya Pr., 1964 - Accepted by the Agra University for the Award of the Ph.D.Degree. .
Bhattoji Dikshit
Classical Sanskrit
P15:C3x4:1:9 152K4
P15:C3x4:1:9 152K4