Agamemnon. vols 1-3 vol 1: Prolegomena, text and Translation vol 2: Commentary on 1-1055 vol 3: Commentary on 1056-1673, Appendixes, indexes ed with a comm, by Eduward Fraenkel

Aeschylus 525-456 B.C.

Agamemnon. vols 1-3 vol 1: Prolegomena, text and Translation vol 2: Commentary on 1-1055 vol 3: Commentary on 1056-1673, Appendixes, indexes ed with a comm, by Eduward Fraenkel - Oxford Clarendon pr. 1950

Greek Drama
Russian Literature

O13,2c$705,2 -J0.1-.3

O13,2c$705,2 -J0.1-.3