Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control, tr. fr. the Russian by R.N. and N.B. McDonough, with a preface by Richard Bellman.
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control, tr. fr. the Russian by R.N. and N.B. McDonough, with a preface by Richard Bellman. - New York Elsevier 1968
Modern Analytic and Computational Methods in Science and Mathematics: Group of Monographs and Advanced Textbooks, ed. by Richard Bellman
B2812 K8
B2812 K8
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control, tr. fr. the Russian by R.N. and N.B. McDonough, with a preface by Richard Bellman. - New York Elsevier 1968
Modern Analytic and Computational Methods in Science and Mathematics: Group of Monographs and Advanced Textbooks, ed. by Richard Bellman
B2812 K8
B2812 K8