Biochemistry of polimyelitis viruses:Synopsis of poliomylitis infection and research.Illus.
KOVACA (Ernest)
Biochemistry of polimyelitis viruses:Synopsis of poliomylitis infection and research.Illus. - oxford pergamon 1964 - International series of Monographs on Pure and applied biology:Modern Trends in Physiological sciences, ed. by P.Alexander & Z.M.Bacq,21. .
E9G K4
E9G K4
Biochemistry of polimyelitis viruses:Synopsis of poliomylitis infection and research.Illus. - oxford pergamon 1964 - International series of Monographs on Pure and applied biology:Modern Trends in Physiological sciences, ed. by P.Alexander & Z.M.Bacq,21. .
E9G K4
E9G K4