Principles of quantum electrodynamics, tr. fr German by J.Bernstein, with corrections and additions by Walter E.Thirring.
Principles of quantum electrodynamics, tr. fr German by J.Bernstein, with corrections and additions by Walter E.Thirring. - New York Academic Press 1958 - Pure and applied Physics:series of Monographs an dtext-books ,ed. by H.S.W.Massey .
C84 J8
C84 J8
Principles of quantum electrodynamics, tr. fr German by J.Bernstein, with corrections and additions by Walter E.Thirring. - New York Academic Press 1958 - Pure and applied Physics:series of Monographs an dtext-books ,ed. by H.S.W.Massey .
C84 J8
C84 J8