Leadership and organization: Behaviour science approach, by Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R Weschler & Fred Massarik, with the research and writing collab. of Paul Brown and with comm. by George R Bach, Robert Dubin & Lyndall F Urwick
Leadership and organization: Behaviour science approach, by Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R Weschler & Fred Massarik, with the research and writing collab. of Paul Brown and with comm. by George R Bach, Robert Dubin & Lyndall F Urwick - New York Mc graw Hill 1961
Y48OSN13 K1
Y48OSN13 K1
Leadership and organization: Behaviour science approach, by Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R Weschler & Fred Massarik, with the research and writing collab. of Paul Brown and with comm. by George R Bach, Robert Dubin & Lyndall F Urwick - New York Mc graw Hill 1961
Y48OSN13 K1
Y48OSN13 K1